 * Accessors to widgets.
 * Copyright: © 2017 Andrey Kabylin
 * License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.

module rpui.view_component.attributes.accessors;

 * Finds widget by `widgetName` and store it to annotated variable.
 * if `widgetName` is empty then widget will be extracted by annotated variable name.
 * Example:
 * ---
 * @ViewWidget Button okButton;
 * @ViewWidget("cancelButton") Button closeButton;
 * // Without attribute
 * okButton = manager.findWidgetByName("okButton");
 * manager.findWidgetByName("cancelButton");
 * ---
struct bindWidget {
    /// Widget name if is empty then retrieving name will be from variable name
    string widgetName = "";

 * Finds widget by `widgetName` and store them children to annotated variable.
 * if `widgetName` is empty then widget will be finds by annotated variable name.
 * Example:
 * ---
 * @GroupViewWidgets Button[3] buttons;
 * // Without attribute
 * auto parent = manager.findWidgetByName("buttons");
 * int i = 0;
 * foreach (child; parent.children) {
 *     buttons[i] = child;
 *     i += 1;
 * }
 * ---
struct bindGroupWidgets {
    /// Widget name if is empty then retrieving name will be from variable name
    string widgetName = "";